National Day of Reading Virtual Read Aloud

Elementary classrooms are invited to join the live-streamed webinar. This year’s guest reader is our own Superintendent Carvalho, who will be joining with an LAUSD elementary school. While the Superintendent reads the book aloud, the pages will be screen-shared so that teachers can project the book for their classes to follow along. The reading will be followed by an interactive art activity facilitated by the Human Relations, Diversity & Equity team. Participating classes will need speakers, a projector, and basic art supplies. Parent/guardian notification is not required. Teachers, use your authenticated LA Unified Zoom account to join the webinar. Registrants will receive a copy of the LA Unified National Day of Reading Educator Toolkit with more information. The first 200 classrooms to register will also receive a copy of this year’s book, My Rainbow.

You can register HERE