Requirements For All Schools
The District's policy requires that each student, including English Learners and those in special day classes, have a State/District-adopted, standards-based textbook/application for use in the defined subjects of reading-language arts, history-social science, mathematics, science, health (Grades 6-7, 9) and foreign language (Grades 9-12). Students must be assigned a single textbook/application in each subject that they can use both at home and in class. District policy does not allow the use of State textbook funding for the purchase of class sets in addition to the books issued directly to students.
In additions, each school must provide the required information for the sufficiency of laboratory science equipment as application coursed offered in grades 9 to 12, inclusive
In order to document compliance with California education code section 60119, an annual certification of student textbook sufficiency is required of all teachers, principals, and Local District (LD) Instructional Superintendents.